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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Question Bank C++ by G Krishna Chauhan


C++ Question Bank

Unit 1: Questions

Easy1. What is C++ and what are its primary features?
Easy2. Define Object-Oriented Programming (OOP).
Easy3. List the four main principles of OOP.
Easy4. What is a class in C++?
Easy5. Explain the concept of data abstraction with an example.
Easy6. Write a simple C++ program to demonstrate the creation of a class and an object.
Easy7. What is encapsulation? Provide an example of encapsulated data in C++.
Easy8. Define inheritance in the context of C++. How would you implement it in a C++ program?
Easy9. What are the applications of Object-Oriented Programming?
Easy10. Write a C++ code snippet that demonstrates dynamic binding using virtual functions.
Medium11. Explain the difference between Procedure-Oriented Programming and Object-Oriented Programming.
Medium12. Describe how objects and classes are related with an example.
Medium13. What is message passing in OOP? Provide a simple C++ example.
Medium14. Write a C++ program that uses constructors and destructors.
Medium15. How does OOP facilitate code reusability? Give a code example.
Medium16. Write a C++ program that demonstrates encapsulation and data hiding.
Medium17. Describe how polymorphism can be achieved in C++ with an example.
Medium18. Explain dynamic binding with a code example that illustrates the concept.
Medium19. What is the role of a class in data abstraction? Provide a simple example.
Medium20. Compare and contrast public, protected, and private access modifiers with examples.
High21. Discuss the evolution of C++ and its influence on modern programming languages.
High22. Analyze the impact of OOP principles on software development practices.
High23. Explain how the concept of inheritance promotes hierarchical relationships in C++. Provide an example.
High24. Write a C++ program that demonstrates multiple inheritance and discuss its implications.
High25. What are abstract classes, and how do they differ from concrete classes? Provide a code example.
High26. Explain the concept of function overloading and provide a code example that demonstrates it.
High27. Discuss how C++ implements polymorphism using virtual functions. Provide a code snippet.
High28. Evaluate the role of constructors and destructors in memory management in C++. Provide a sample program.
High29. Discuss the significance of encapsulation in data protection and provide an example.
High30. Write a C++ program that demonstrates dynamic binding and discuss its difference from static binding.

Unit 2: Questions

Easy1. What are tokens in C++? List the types of tokens.
Easy2. Define keywords in C++. Give examples.
Easy3. What is an identifier in C++? Provide rules for naming identifiers.
Easy4. Explain constants in C++. What are the different types of constants?
Easy5. What are operators in C++? Provide examples of different types of operators.
Easy6. Write a simple C++ program that demonstrates the use of basic data types.
Easy7. What is type conversion? Explain implicit and explicit type conversion.
Easy8. Write a C++ program to demonstrate type promotion and type demotion.
Easy9. What are control structures in C++? Give examples of different types.
Easy10. Write a simple C++ function and explain its components.
Medium11. Compare and contrast different types of operators in C++.
Medium12. What is the role of expressions in C++? Provide examples.
Medium13. Write a C++ program that demonstrates the use of arithmetic and relational operators.
Medium14. Explain the difference between local and global variables with examples.
Medium15. Write a C++ program that demonstrates the use of control structures (if-else, switch-case).
Medium16. What is a function prototype in C++? Provide an example.
Medium17. Describe the scope of variables in C++.
Medium18. Explain the concept of function overloading with an example.
Medium19. Write a C++ program that demonstrates function overloading.
Medium20. What is the difference between pass-by-value and pass-by-reference? Provide examples.
High21. Analyze how C++ handles operator overloading and provide examples.
High22. Discuss the importance of type conversions in C++.
High23. Write a C++ program that implements a simple calculator using functions and operators.
High24. Evaluate the impact of using control structures on program flow and structure in C++.
High25. Explain how function templates can be used in C++ and provide an example.
High26. Discuss the advantages and disadvantages of using macros in C++.
High27. Write a C++ program that demonstrates the use of pointers and their arithmetic.
High28. What are the implications of using static variables in C++? Provide an example.
High29. Discuss the significance of using inline functions in C++.
High30. Write a C++ program that uses arrays and demonstrates various operations on them.

Unit 3: Questions

Easy1. What is a class in C++? Define it and provide an example.
Easy2. What is an object in C++? How does it relate to a class?
Easy3. Explain how to access class members in C++.
Easy4. What are access modifiers? List and explain public, protected, and private access.
Easy5. What is a constructor? How is it different from a regular member function?
Easy6. What is a destructor in C++? Provide an example of its use.
Easy7. What is constructor overloading? Provide an example.
Easy8. Explain the concept of inline functions in C++.
Easy9. What is a macro in C++? How is it defined?
Easy10. What are friend functions and friend classes in C++?
Medium11. Discuss exception handling in C++. What is the purpose of try, catch, and throw?
Medium12. Describe the various types of inheritance in C++.
Medium13. Explain the role of static members in a class. Provide an example.
Medium14. Write a C++ program to demonstrate the use of constructors and destructors.
Medium15. Discuss the implications of data abstraction and encapsulation in C++.
Medium16. Write a C++ program that demonstrates the use of friend functions.
Medium17. Explain the concept of access control in classes with examples.
Medium18. What is the difference between shallow copy and deep copy?
Medium19. Write a C++ program that demonstrates the use of exception handling.
Medium20. Explain the concept of inheritance and its importance in C++.
High21. Analyze how polymorphism is achieved through inheritance in C++.
High22. Discuss the impact of encapsulation on code maintenance and security.
High23. Write a C++ program that demonstrates different types of inheritance.
High24. Explain how to use abstract classes and pure virtual functions in C++.
High25. What are virtual destructors? Why are they important in inheritance?
High26. Write a C++ program that demonstrates constructor overloading with different types of constructors.
High27. Discuss the concept of function overriding in the context of inheritance.
High28. Explain the significance of friend classes and functions in C++.
High29. Write a C++ program that demonstrates data abstraction through classes.
High30. Discuss the role of inline functions and macros in optimizing C++ code performance.

Unit 4: Questions

Easy1. What is a pointer in C++? How do you declare and initialize a pointer?
Easy2. Explain the concept of a this pointer in C++.
Easy3. What is function overloading? Provide an example.
Easy4. Explain operator overloading with an example.
Easy5. What is function overriding in C++? How does it differ from function overloading?
Easy6. Define abstract classes in C++. What is the purpose of abstract classes?
Easy7. What are concrete classes? How do they differ from abstract classes?
Easy8. Explain the concept of static class members in C++.
Easy9. What are virtual functions? Why are they used in C++?
Easy10. What is a pure virtual function? How do you define it?
Medium11. Discuss the significance of polymorphism in C++.
Medium12. Write a C++ program that demonstrates the use of pointers to objects.
Medium13. Explain the difference between shallow copy and deep copy with examples.
Medium14. Write a C++ program that demonstrates function overriding with inheritance.
Medium15. Discuss the implications of using virtual functions in inheritance.
Medium16. Write a C++ program that demonstrates operator overloading for a custom class.
Medium17. Explain how the this pointer can be used in operator overloading.
Medium18. Describe how abstract classes enforce encapsulation and abstraction.
Medium19. Write a C++ program that demonstrates abstract classes and their implementation.
Medium20. Explain the concept of inheritance and its importance in object-oriented programming.
High21. Discuss the role of dynamic binding in C++. How does it relate to polymorphism?
High22. Write a C++ program that demonstrates function overloading and polymorphism.
High23. Analyze the importance of virtual destructors in base classes.
High24. Write a C++ program that demonstrates both abstract and concrete classes.
High25. Explain how to use virtual functions for achieving runtime polymorphism in C++.
High26. Discuss the use of static members in classes with examples.
High27. Write a C++ program that demonstrates the use of pure virtual functions.
High28. Discuss the implications of operator overloading on code readability and maintainability.
High29. Write a C++ program that illustrates the use of the this pointer in member functions.
High30. Explain the concept of friend classes and functions and their use cases in C++.

Unit 5: Questions

Easy1. What are files and streams in C++? Explain their significance.
Easy2. Describe the various file stream operations in C++.
Easy3. How do you open and close a file in C++? Provide an example.
Easy4. What is the purpose of detecting the end-of-file (EOF) in file operations?
Easy5. Explain the concept of file pointers and how to manipulate them.
Easy6. What are sequential input and output operations? Provide examples.
Easy7. How do you read from a file in C++? Demonstrate with a simple program.
Easy8. How do you write to a file in C++? Provide an example program.
Easy9. What are the different modes for opening a file in C++?
Easy10. Explain the significance of using the fstream library in C++.
Medium11. Write a C++ program that demonstrates how to read from a file and display its contents.
Medium12. Discuss the differences between ifstream, ofstream, and fstream.
Medium13. Write a C++ program that demonstrates how to write user input to a file.
Medium14. Explain how to append data to an existing file in C++.
Medium15. Write a C++ program that reads from one file and writes to another file.
Medium16. Discuss how to handle file exceptions in C++.
Medium17. Explain how to use file pointers to move to a specific location in a file.
Medium18. Write a C++ program that demonstrates using file pointers for random access to a file.
Medium19. What is the importance of closing files after operations in C++?
Medium20. Discuss the implications of file handling errors in C++.
High21. Write a C++ program that reads and writes binary data to a file.
High22. Discuss the significance of using file streams for managing data in applications.
High23. Explain how to serialize and deserialize objects to and from files in C++.
High24. Write a C++ program that uses file stream operations to create a simple text editor.
High25. Discuss the differences between text files and binary files.
High26. Write a C++ program that handles exceptions during file operations.
High27. Explain how to read and write structured data using file streams in C++.
High28. Write a C++ program that demonstrates error handling while opening a file.
High29. Discuss the use of the tellg() and seekg() functions in file handling.
High30. Explain the process of updating a file's contents using file streams.

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