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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Access Modifiers in C++: Controlling Access to a Class


Access Modifiers in C++: Controlling Access to a Class


In C++, access modifiers are keywords that determine the accessibility or visibility of data members and member functions within a class. They control how the members of a class can be accessed from outside the class and play a crucial role in encapsulation, one of the key principles of object-oriented programming (OOP).


Types of Access Modifiers


C++ provides three primary access modifiers:

Public: Members declared as `public` are accessible from anywhere in the program. There are no restrictions on their access.

Private: Members declared as `private` are accessible only within the class or by friends of the class. They are not accessible from outside the class.

Protected: Members declared as `protected` are similar to `private` members, but they can also be accessed in derived classes (subclasses).


1. Public Access Modifier:

When a class member is declared `public`, it can be accessed from any part of the program. This means that the member functions and data members marked as `public` can be used directly by creating objects of the class or by using pointers and references to objects.



class ClassName {


    // Public members






class Employee {


    string name;

    int id;



    void display()


        cout << "Name: " << name << ", ID: " << id << endl;




int main() {

    Employee emp; = "Alice";  // Accessing public member directly = 101;


    emp.display();  // Calling public member function


    return 0;



In this example, `name` and `id` are public data members and can be accessed directly using the object `emp`.


2. Private Access Modifier

When a class member is declared `private`, it can only be accessed from within the class itself. Private members are not accessible directly from outside the class. This is useful for hiding the internal details and implementation of the class, which is a key aspect of encapsulation.



class ClassName {


    // Private members



class BankAccount {


    double balance;


    void setBalance(double amount) {

        balance = amount;



    double getBalance() {

        return balance;



int main() {

    BankAccount account;

    account.setBalance(5000.50);  // Setting balance via public function

    cout << "Balance: $" << account.getBalance() << endl;  // Accessing balance via public function


    // account.balance = 1000;  // Error: Cannot access private member directly


    return 0;




In this example, `balance` is a private data member. It can only be accessed or modified using the public member functions `setBalance()` and `getBalance()`.


3. Protected Access Modifier

When a class member is declared `protected`, it behaves like a private member but with an additional feature: it can be accessed in derived classes. Protected members are used in inheritance, where the base class members need to be accessible in the derived class.



class ClassName {


    // Protected members





class Person {


    string name;



    void setName(string n) {

        name = n;




class Student : public Person {


    void display() {

        cout << "Name: " << name << endl;  // Accessing protected member in derived class




int main() {

    Student student;




    return 0;



In this example, `name` is a protected member of the `Person` class. It is accessed in the `Student` class, which is derived from `Person`.


4. Default Access Modifier


In C++, if no access modifier is specified, the default access level depends on the context:

- For class members, the default access level is `private`.

- For struct members, the default access level is `public`.



class Example {

    int value;  // Default is private



struct ExampleStruct {

    int value;  // Default is public








Public: Members are accessible from any part of the program.

Private: Members are accessible only within the class and not from outside.

Protected: Members are accessible within the class and in derived classes.


Access Modifier


Direct Access

Accessed From

Usage Example


Accessible everywhere


Anywhere in the program

public int id;


Accessible only within the class


Only within the class or by friend functions

private double balance;


Accessible within the class and derived classes


Within the class and its derived classes

protected string name;



Access modifiers are essential in implementing data hiding and encapsulation, which help in protecting the integrity of data and defining clear interfaces for the use of a class.

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