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Sunday, September 29, 2024

Dynamic Binding and Message Passing in C++


Dynamic Binding and Message Passing in C++


Dynamic Binding and Message Passing are important concepts in object-oriented programming (OOP) that contribute to the flexibility and robustness of software design. Let's delve into each concept with detailed explanations and C++ examples.


 Dynamic Binding

Dynamic Binding, also known as late binding, refers to the process of linking a function call to the function definition at runtime rather than compile time. This is a key feature in polymorphism, where the actual method to be invoked is determined during program execution based on the object type.

Dynamic binding is achieved using virtual functions in C++. When a base class declares a function as `virtual`, it allows derived classes to override this function. At runtime, the program uses a mechanism called the vtable (virtual table) to resolve the function call to the correct overridden function in the derived class.


Example of Dynamic Binding:

#include <iostream>

using namespace std;

class Base {


    virtual void show() { // Virtual function

        cout << "Base class show function called." << endl;



class Derived : public Base {


    void show() override { // Override the base class function

        cout << "Derived class show function called." << endl;



int main() {

    Base* b;           // Base class pointer

    Derived d;        // Derived class object

    b = &d;           // Pointing to derived class object

    b->show();        // Calls Derived's show() due to dynamic binding

    return 0;



Derived class show function called.

Key Points:

  • Polymorphism: Dynamic binding allows for polymorphism, enabling one interface to control access to a general class of actions.
  • Runtime Flexibility: The exact function that gets called is determined at runtime, which allows for more flexible and reusable code.
  • Performance Overhead: Dynamic binding introduces a slight performance overhead due to the need for runtime resolution of method calls.


 Message Passing


Message Passing is a mechanism used in object-oriented programming to communicate between objects. It involves sending a message to an object to invoke a method or request a specific action. This concept is essential for interaction between objects and supports dynamic behavior in a system.

In C++, message passing is typically implemented through method calls. When one object calls a method on another object, it can be considered as sending a message to that object.


Example of  Message Passing:

#include <iostream>
#include <string>
using namespace std;

class Receiver {
    // Method to receive and display the message
    void receiveMessage(const string& message) {
        cout << "Receiver received: " << message << endl;

class Sender {
    Receiver* receiver; // Pointer to Receiver object

    // Constructor to set the Receiver object
    Sender(Receiver* r) : receiver(r) {}

    // Method to send a message
    void sendMessage(const string& message) {
        cout << "Sender is sending: " << message << endl;
        receiver->receiveMessage(message); // Sending the message

int main() {
    Receiver myReceiver;       // Create a Receiver object
    Sender mySender(&myReceiver); // Create a Sender object with a reference to Receiver

    mySender.sendMessage("Hello, Receiver!"); // Sender sends a message

    return 0;


Sender is sending: Hello, Receiver!
 Receiver received: Hello, Receiver!

Key Points:

  • Encapsulation: Message passing promotes encapsulation, as the internal state of an object is not directly accessible to other objects; they interact through well-defined interfaces (methods).
  • Decoupling: It allows for decoupled design, where objects can interact without needing to know the details of each other’s implementations.
  • Flexibility: Objects can be changed or extended independently, as long as they adhere to the same message interface.

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